Willms Gymnasium

Gymnasium an der
Willmsstraße 3
27749 Delmenhorst
Tel.: 04221/58 676 0

Außenstelle der
Jgg. 8, 9 und 10
Königsberger Str. 65
27755 Delmenhorst
Tel.: 04221/58 676 50

Unterrichtsprojekt “Native Americans” in der Klasse 8b

11. Februar 2017 | Homepage-Redaktion

Vorherige Beiträge

We did a project about the Native Americans (‘Indians’) in our English lessons in the 8th grade and the different groups did some very creative presentations about the different tribes (‘Stämme’), including posters, a powerpoint presentation, a self-built houses and self-baked bread. Yummy!

One group also ‘interviewed’ a Native American, one group presented Cherokee words and another group had a Native American fashion model!